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Week 2 Reflections

The emphasis this week on mindfulness, well-being, meditation, breathing and basically looking inward and learning to find peace and happiness particularly resonates with me now. It's not just about the continuing inundation of news and information [much of it very sad and distressing], but about learning to step away from it; turn it off. So my goal, very difficult to embrace, is to walk away from the computer [no excuses about work], take a walk, breathe the cool, fresh autumn air... And live in the moment! Observe, talk, and enjoy the scarecrows and pumpkins on Main Street, as opposed to taking pictures of them "to share." Finally, I love the ujjayi breathing, particularly the sound, which I've also heard called "Ocean Breath." I use it at night to help me fall asleep or when practicing to make the postures more relaxing and meaningful.

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